Welcome to MCM Resort & Auditorium
One of the main concerns of an average traveler is to find good accommodations at reasonable prices. MCM Resort located near Mannarasala Temple, Haripad in Alappuzha district of Kerala, travelers can find good and decent accommodation at prices that are very affordable. With its close proximity to the famous Mannarsala Sree Nagaraja Temple, the resort is ideal place for pilgrims, tour groups, families and tourists wanting to relax after a long tiring day.
The resort can also arrange to provide food for large groups (above 25) on prior request. The hospitable service, the wholesome food and the clean comfortable rooms provided by the resort makes it easier for travelers to enjoy Haripad and its nearby attractions without worries.
We provide dormitory accommodation for large groups, pilgrims, extended families, students, etc.MCM Resort has a 50-bed dormitory facility.The guests are provided with clean and comfortable beds where they can unwind after a long day.

MCM Dormitory is situated just half a kilometer away from Mannarasala serpent temple Haripad, Alappuzha. We provide dormitory accommodation for Sabarimala Pilgrims so that they can offer worship at Mannarasala serpent temple on their way or way back.We offer special discount for Sabarimala Pilgrims.

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